Join me for a simple Summer farmhouse bedroom tour with my own bouquets from my cut flower garden. I love to make some floral arrangements to put around out house for the Summer months.

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Decorating with Florals

It’s around this time every year that I become slightly obsessed with taking pictures of the flowers from my cut garden.

I love the soft colors of the cosmos I planted, and knowing they came straight from the yard just adds to the satisfaction.

I also added in some white zinnias and mint.

The first harvest of my little beauties called for a mini summer bedroom tour.

When summer rolls around, I like get the family outside as much as possible.

Working in the garden, splashing in the creek and meeting friends at the park for playdate is how I like to spend my time.

I know soon enough we will be cooped up inside, working on school and putting logs in the wood stove.

Sometimes I wish summer would never have to end.

Our Summer Vacation

Our family just came back from a five day vacation to Estes Park, Colorado.

We checked off several items on the summer bucket list.

Sleeping in a tent, toasting marshmallows over a campfire, taking a 12 hour road trip, perusing a local farmers’ market, exploring a town we had never been to, spotting wild elk, and dancing with cousins at a wedding reception, were all part of the adventure.

On the second day of our trip we found the perfect hike for our family. It took us over eight hours to complete and led us all the way up into the mountains to Gem Lake. We stopped along the way to climb on rocks, build a fort, and feed some of our food to chipmunks.

I even took a nap on a rock while my husband and kids spelled out words with sticks and used brush and pinecones to build a hideout.

It just kind of felt like what summer is all about. Time to slow down from the normally hectic schedule of life and enjoy extra time together.

Many places on the trip had no wifi access, so we were forced to do some good old fashioned family bonding.

Just in case this whimsical picture I’m painting is straying a little too far from reality, we definitely dealt with all the scuffles that a 12 hour road trip, with kids all lined up in the back seat of a van, would normally entail.

But, we had that kind of fun old timers remember fondly, before tablets and smart phones, when playing with chipmunks, and seeing how far you could scale a rock, were all the Saturday entertainment necessary.

The trip was refreshing and simple, which is kind of the same theme I carried into our summer bedroom.

Bringing in Natural Textures

I love to add in the natural textures of the jute rug, wicker basket and straw hat.

I made the blue striped throw blanket from linen fabric, and I shared the full tutorial in this post.

The striped blue pillow was a simple DIY made from an IKEA tea towel, which you can find the full instructions for here.

I also shared a post detailing how we put up this shiplap wall here.

I Love Summertime

I like everything in our home to feel pretty casual and relaxed all the time, but this is especially true in the summer.

The windows are still open during the day, letting in the breeze and sunshine.

I crave the easiness of summer, when I can throw shoes into the diaper bag, instead of actually putting them on little feet, and a trip to the creek or swimming pool counts as a bath.

I mean, right?

I’ve spent enough winters with small kids now to know that the heat of summer is far better than the ice cold winters that require 20 minutes of prep time to get kids out the door.

It’s this perspective I now have, that allows me soak it in all the more.

If you have been following along with our bedroom updates over the last year, you know that I traded in heavy and dark for light and bright.

I sold a wood furniture set, and replaced it with a mismatched and collected bedroom suite.

I found the bedside lamps for $5 at a garage sale. We converted them from wire-in lamps to plug-in.

The night stands were Craigslist scores that I painted with white chalk paint.

I purchased the iron bed new from Target.

For the dressers, I found one for $50 on Craigslist, and painted it with Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint in Shutter Gray, and I snagged the other one for $35 at a garage sale.

You can find that chalk paint makeover here.

I can’t even tell you the satisfaction that planting little seeds in our backyard garden and watching them grow into these beautiful flowers, and then making arrangements all summer long, brings me.

I plan to share my tips and tricks for creating a flower garden, as well as how to create beautiful arrangements in an upcoming blog post.

So be on the lookout for that!

I am by no means an expert, but I have been enjoying a cut garden for four or five years now, so I have gained a little knowledge on the subject.

UPDATE:  You can find the cut flower post HERE.

Thank you for stopping in to see another view of our farmhouse bedroom in the summer.

I hope your days are filled with simple pleasures and memory making in this season!

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  1. Cynthia says:

    Lisa the tall dresser u have in your bedroom what is the size on it if you care me asking #tall and wide

  2. Ashley says:

    I absolutely adore how cozy your bedroom is! It is light and airy but soft and welcoming at the same time. Love the fresh flowers in this space 🙂

    1. Lisa Bass says:

      Aww thanks so much, Ashley, for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment!

  3. Julie Blanner says:

    It’s beautiful – I love the summer throw draped across the bed!

  4. Ellen says:

    Beautiful! I’m so looking forward to your post on your cut garden, because I would love to make that happen around our house too (pretty much all we have right now are day lilies and hosta). Totally agree on summer…it just begs for slowing down and soaking it in!

    1. Lisa Bass says:

      Thank you so much Ellen! :). I just hit publish today on my cut flower post. Best of luck to you growing your own!! 🙂

  5. Robin says:

    Did you make the wood sign with the bible verse that hangs above the dresser? if so, is there a tutorial for it? I really do like it.

    1. Lisa Bass says:

      That was actually a Christmas gift several years ago. I need to find someone who wants to make it and sell it, because I get so many inquiries about it!